April 2024: TVS Motor - A CEO Learning Mission - IFQM

April 2024: TVS Motor – A CEO Learning Mission

April 2024: TVS Motor - A CEO Learning Mission


April 17, 2024 - April 25, 2024    
All Day

Event Type

TVS Motor Co, a leading mobility solutions provider, is a winner of the globally renowned Deming Award that is given to organizations promoting quality of products and services through exemplary systems.  This event will be an immersive learning experience on the importance of continual adoption of the principles of Total Quality Management across organizations aimed at delighting customers and other stakeholders by benefiting from Total Employee Involvement.

The Learning Mission, centered on Total Quality Management, showcases approaches to excellence in Design, Manufacturing, Customer Delight and Human Resource besides other critical areas, and how Technology and Digital can sharpen the competitiveness of organizations.

IFQM TVS Event brief writeup

Event Gallery

A CEO Learning Mission, TVS Motor, April 2024

A CEO Learning Mission, TVS Motor, April 2024

A CEO Learning Mission, TVS Motor, April 2024